Agrimony stops bleeding of all sorts. Helps relieve pain. Used in trauma treatment and surgery, indigestion, heartburn, diarrhea, and liverish feelings. Helpful for people suffering from food allergies.
Basil is used for stomach spasms, loss of appetite, intestinal gas, kidney conditions, fluid retention, head colds, warts, and worm infections. It is also used to treat snake and insect bites.
Bee balm tea or a tincture freshens the breath and cures infections in the mouth and gums. Relieves cramping and excessive gas as well as serious intestinal woes, from diarrhea to vomiting to cholera.
Cleavers also known as goose grass, and sticky-willy is a wonderfully gentle lymphatic cleanser and a spring tonic helping clean up the system after winter. It soothes urinary tract. Cleavers is useful for many mouth and throat problems.
Known as detoxifying liver, bowel herb, and blood cleanser. the root used for chronic toxic skin conditions. Dock leaves used for removing the nettle stings burns.
Aloe Vera healing wonders can be applied to burns and sunburn, ringworm, infected cuts, acne, shingles, eczema, wrinkles, and areas of dry, itchy skin. can be used internally as a medicine.
Burdock is a powerful cleanser and blood purifier. One of the foremost detoxing herb, particularly effective for skin problems - acne, spots, boils, rashes, psoriasis, rheumatism, and gout.
Chickweed is used as a remedy for itchy skin and hot skin inflammations. Is soothing nutritious herb clearing stubborn, long-lasting bodily conditions. Chickweed has special affinities for the eyes, lungs, and chest. Can be used as a food.
The whole plant has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the blood circulation. It improves the appetite, is digestive, hypotensive and tonic. It has similar properties to garlic