Healing Herbal Teas
Herb Library
Trees, Shrubs and Bushes Library
Essential Nutrients
Eyes and eyesight remedy. Bilberries strengthen veins and capillaries. Leaves are used for urinary tract infections, and regulate blood sugar levels.
Elder's flowers are a fever remedy. Berries used against flu and colds, help relieve coughs. Leaves as an ointment are good for bruises.
Horse Chestnut supports weakened veins. It is used for irregularities of the veins.
Birch is an excellent tonic and detoxifier, working on the urinary system removing kidney or bladder stone, gravel, gout, and rheumatism. Reduces fluid retention and swellings. Clears many skin problems.
Guelder Rose relieves skeletal and smooth muscle tension. Used for cramps, muscle spasms (uterine cramps, back pain, fibromyalgia.
Dried Oak bark is an astringent herb used to reduce inflammation, control bleeding, and treat diarrhea and skin problems.
Blackberry young leaves packed with vitamins and minerals. Leaves and berries are used for general health, diarrhea, colds, flu, fevers...
Hawthorn is a heart and circulatory tonic, strengthening the heart and the blood supply. Calms anxiety.
White Willow bark's analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a useful treatment for arthritis, back pain and headaches.
Used for gout and arthritis. The fruit stalks and inner bark used for treating coughs, sore throats, and bronchitis.
Honeysuckle is used for menopausal hot flashes, fevers, flu, heat stroke, urinary tract infections, and other conditions.